Notion vs. OneNote: Which note-taking app should you use? [2024]

Notion vs. OneNote: Which note-taking app should you use? [2024]

In today's fast-paced world, the art of note-taking has undergone a digital transformation, offering users a myriad of tools and platforms to capture, organize, and share information. Among the leading contenders in this space are OneNote vs. Notion, two versatile platforms that cater to diverse note-taking needs. Whether you're a student jotting down lecture notes, a professional organizing project tasks, or a creative mind sketching out ideas, choosing the right note-taking tool can significantly impact your productivity and workflow.

In this guide, we embark on a journey to explore the distinctive features, functionalities, and strengths of Onenote vs. Notion, empowering you to make an informed decision about which platform aligns best with your individual preferences and requirements. From freeform note-taking to structured productivity systems, collaboration features to AI-driven capabilities, we'll delve into the nuances of each platform, equipping you with the knowledge to navigate the landscape of digital note-taking with confidence.

Join us as we unravel the complexities, uncover the possibilities, and embark on a quest to discover the perfect digital companion for your note-taking adventures. Welcome to the world of OneNote vs. Notion – let the exploration begin.


Notion vs. OneNote at a glance

The main difference between OneNote and Notion is that Onenote is like your trusty digital notebook where you can scribble down all sorts of notes in a really flexible way and Notion is more about taking your notes to the next level. It helps you organize them with structured databases, kind of like building your own personalized productivity hub.

Here's a comparison table highlighting the key differences between OneNote vs. Notion:

Feature OneNote Notion
Note-taking Style Free-form; resembles traditional notebooks Structured; supports databases and templates
Organization Flexible digital notebooks Structured databases and customizable layouts
Collaboration Supports real-time collaboration Collaboration features with task management
Integration Integrates with Microsoft Office Suite Offers integrations with various tools and services
Accessibility Available across multiple platforms Web-based platform accessible from any device
Learning Curve Relatively easy to use May have a steeper learning curve due to complexity

This table provides a quick overview of the main differences between OneNote vs. Notion, helping users make an informed decision based on their specific needs and preferences.

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OneNote for beginners, Notion for tinkerers

When it comes to note-taking apps, deciding between OneNote vs. Notion can be a bit like choosing between two different paths. Each app offers its own unique set of features and functionalities, catering to different types of users. In this chapter, we'll explore the differences between OneNote vs. Notion and help you determine which one might be the best fit for you.

OneNote for Beginners:

Let's start with OneNote. Designed with simplicity in mind, OneNote is a great choice for beginners who are new to digital note-taking. Its user-friendly interface and familiar layout make it easy to get started, even for those who have never used a note-taking app before.

With OneNote, you can create digital notebooks to organize your notes in a way that makes sense to you. Whether you're jotting down ideas for a project, taking meeting notes, or keeping track of your to-do list, OneNote provides a flexible and intuitive platform for capturing and organizing information.

One of the key features of OneNote is its free-form note-taking style. Unlike traditional word processors, which force you to adhere to a rigid structure, OneNote allows you to write, draw, and sketch anywhere on the page. This flexibility makes it easy to capture ideas as they come to you, without worrying about formatting or layout.

Notion for Tinkerers:

On the other hand, if you're someone who likes to tinker with your tools and customize them to fit your specific needs, Notion might be the better choice for you. Notion takes a more structured approach to note-taking, offering a wide range of features and functionalities that allow you to build your own personalized productivity system.

With Notion, you can create custom databases, templates, and layouts to organize your notes in a way that works best for you. Whether you're managing a project, tracking your goals, or keeping track of important information, Notion provides the tools you need to stay organized and productive.

One of the key benefits of Notion is its versatility. With Notion, you're not limited to just taking notes – you can also use it to manage tasks, collaborate with others, and even build simple databases. This makes Notion a great choice for users who need more than just a basic note-taking app.


In the end, the choice between OneNote vs. Notion comes down to your personal preferences and workflow. If you're looking for a simple and straightforward note-taking app that's easy to use, OneNote might be the best option for you. However, if you're someone who likes to customize your tools and create your own productivity system, Notion could be the perfect fit. Whatever you decide, both apps offer powerful features and functionalities that can help you stay organized and productive in your personal and professional life.

OneNote for freeform note-taking, Notion for productivity systems and collaboration

In the realm of digital note-taking, choosing between OneNote vs. Notion can often feel like selecting the right tool for the job. Understanding the unique strengths of each platform can significantly enhance your productivity and collaboration efforts. In this chapter, we'll delve into how OneNote excels in freeform note-taking, while Notion shines in productivity systems and collaboration.

OneNote for Freeform Note-Taking:

Picture a blank canvas where your thoughts can roam freely, unencumbered by rigid structure or predefined formats. That's the essence of OneNote's freeform note-taking approach. Designed to mimic the flexibility of traditional pen and paper, OneNote empowers users to capture ideas, sketches, and information in a fluid and unrestricted manner.

With OneNote, you're not confined to predefined templates or layouts. Instead, you can create digital notebooks that serve as blank canvases for your creativity. Whether you're brainstorming ideas, sketching out concepts, or jotting down meeting notes, OneNote provides a versatile platform that adapts to your unique note-taking style.

Notion for Productivity Systems and Collaboration:

Now, let's shift our focus to Notion – the Swiss Army knife of productivity tools. Unlike OneNote's emphasis on freeform note-taking, Notion takes a more structured approach, offering a plethora of features to build customized productivity systems and facilitate collaboration.

At its core, Notion is more than just a note-taking app – it's a robust platform for organizing, managing, and sharing information. With Notion, you can create structured databases, customizable templates, and dynamic pages to streamline your workflow and boost productivity.

Moreover, Notion excels in fostering collaboration and teamwork. Whether you're working on a group project, coordinating tasks with teammates, or sharing knowledge within your organization, Notion provides powerful collaboration features that facilitate seamless communication and information sharing.


In conclusion, harnessing the strengths of OneNote vs. Notion can significantly enhance your note-taking, productivity, and collaboration efforts. If you thrive in a freeform environment where creativity knows no bounds, OneNote's flexible note-taking capabilities are sure to resonate with you. On the other hand, if you're seeking a comprehensive platform to build customized productivity systems and collaborate with others, Notion's structured approach and robust feature set make it an indispensable tool in your arsenal. By leveraging the unique strengths of each platform, you can unlock new levels of efficiency, creativity, and collaboration in your personal and professional endeavors.

OneNote has password-protected notes and offline mode

In the realm of digital note-taking, understanding the distinctive features of each app can greatly influence your choice. In this chapter, we'll explore how OneNote stands out with its password-protected notes and offline mode, while Notion offers a different set of strengths.

OneNote: Password-Protected Notes and Offline Mode

When it comes to safeguarding your sensitive information, OneNote offers a valuable feature: password-protected notes. With this functionality, you can add an extra layer of security to your confidential or private notes, ensuring that only authorized users can access them. Whether you're storing personal thoughts, financial details, or confidential business information, password protection provides peace of mind knowing that your data is secure.

Additionally, OneNote's offline mode is a game-changer for users who need access to their notes even when they're offline or in areas with limited internet connectivity. By enabling offline mode, you can continue working on your notes, making edits, adding new content, and organizing information, all without the need for an internet connection. Once you're back online, OneNote automatically syncs your changes, ensuring that your notes are always up to date across all your devices.

Notion: Collaboration and Customization

On the other hand, Notion excels in collaboration and customization, offering a wide range of features to streamline teamwork and tailor your workspace to your specific needs. With Notion, you can create shared workspaces, collaborate with teammates in real-time, and track project progress with ease. Its intuitive interface and versatile tools make it a favorite among teams looking to boost productivity and streamline collaboration.

Furthermore, Notion's customization options are unparalleled, allowing you to tailor your workspace to match your workflow and preferences perfectly. From customizable templates and database views to personalized dashboards and layouts, Notion empowers you to create a workspace that works best for you, ensuring maximum efficiency and productivity.


In summary, while OneNote offers password-protected notes and offline mode for added security and accessibility, Notion shines in collaboration and customization, providing powerful tools to streamline teamwork and tailor your workspace to your specific needs. By understanding the unique features of each app, you can make an informed decision based on your priorities and requirements, ensuring that you choose the right tool to enhance your note-taking, productivity, and collaboration efforts.

Notion offers unlimited cloud storage

In the world of digital note-taking, uncovering the distinct features of each application can be crucial in determining the best fit for your needs. In this chapter, we'll delve into how OneNote distinguishes itself with password-protected notes and offline mode, while Notion shines with unlimited cloud storage.

OneNote: Password-Protected Notes and Offline Mode

OneNote boasts a couple of standout features that cater to the security and accessibility needs of its users. Firstly, its password-protected notes feature provides a layer of security for sensitive information. This means you can store confidential data, personal musings, or business secrets with confidence, knowing that only authorized individuals can access them.

Secondly, OneNote's offline mode offers unparalleled flexibility by allowing users to access their notes even when they're offline or in areas with limited internet connectivity. This ensures uninterrupted productivity, as you can continue editing, organizing, and adding content to your notes without needing an internet connection. Once you're back online, OneNote seamlessly syncs your changes across all your devices.

Notion: Unlimited Cloud Storage

On the other hand, Notion sets itself apart with its generous offering of unlimited cloud storage. This means you can store an endless amount of data, documents, and media files in Notion without worrying about running out of space. Whether you're creating extensive project libraries, uploading large multimedia files, or building comprehensive databases, Notion's unlimited cloud storage ensures that you can store all your information in one centralized location without limitations.

This feature is particularly beneficial for users who deal with large volumes of data or multimedia content on a regular basis, as it provides the freedom to store and organize information without constraints. With unlimited cloud storage, Notion empowers users to create and collaborate on projects of any size, scale, or complexity, making it a versatile tool for personal and professional use.


In conclusion, while OneNote offers password-protected notes and offline mode for enhanced security and accessibility, Notion distinguishes itself with unlimited cloud storage, providing users with the freedom to store and organize their information without limitations. By understanding the unique features of each application, you can make an informed decision based on your priorities and requirements, ensuring that you choose the right tool to elevate your note-taking, productivity, and collaboration efforts.

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Notion has powerful AI features; OneNote Copilot is still in launch phase

In the realm of digital note-taking, understanding the unique features of each platform can be pivotal in selecting the optimal tool for your needs. In this chapter, we'll explore how Notion distinguishes itself with powerful AI features, while OneNote is introducing its innovative Copilot feature.

Notion: Powerful AI Features

Notion stands out with its robust AI capabilities, offering users a range of powerful features that enhance productivity and streamline workflows. From intelligent content suggestions to automated task management, Notion's AI-driven functionalities empower users to work smarter and more efficiently.

One notable AI feature of Notion is its ability to analyze and categorize content, making it easier to organize and retrieve information. Whether you're searching for specific notes, tracking tasks, or identifying trends in your data, Notion's AI algorithms help you find what you need quickly and effortlessly.

Moreover, Notion's AI-powered recommendations can assist users in generating relevant content, suggesting templates, layouts, and workflows tailored to their specific needs. This proactive approach to content creation saves time and effort, allowing users to focus on their work without getting bogged down by administrative tasks.

OneNote: Copilot in Launch Phase

While Notion leads the pack with its AI-driven features, OneNote is making strides in the realm of artificial intelligence with its upcoming Copilot feature. Although still in the launch phase, Copilot aims to revolutionize the note-taking experience by providing intelligent assistance and predictive suggestions to users.

By leveraging machine learning algorithms and natural language processing capabilities, Copilot will analyze users' notes, understand their context, and offer relevant suggestions for content creation, organization, and collaboration. From generating meeting minutes to summarizing lecture notes, Copilot aims to simplify and streamline the note-taking process for OneNote users.

While Copilot is still in development and not yet available to the public, its promising capabilities signal an exciting future for OneNote users. As Microsoft continues to refine and expand Copilot's functionalities, it has the potential to become a game-changing feature that enhances productivity and efficiency in note-taking.


In conclusion, while Notion impresses with its powerful AI features that enhance productivity and organization, OneNote is on the cusp of introducing its innovative Copilot feature, poised to revolutionize the note-taking experience with intelligent assistance and predictive suggestions. By understanding the unique capabilities of each platform, users can make informed decisions to optimize their note-taking, productivity, and collaboration workflows.

OneNote vs. Notion: Which should you choose?

In the world of digital note-taking, choosing between OneNote vs. Notion can be akin to selecting the perfect tool for your creative endeavors. Both platforms offer a plethora of features and functionalities tailored to meet the diverse needs of users. In this guide, we'll explore the key differences between OneNote and Notion to help you make an informed decision about which option best suits your needs.



  • Freeform Note-Taking: OneNote's freeform canvas allows users to jot down ideas, sketches, and notes in a flexible and unrestricted manner.
  • Offline Mode: With OneNote's offline mode, users can access and edit their notes even without an internet connection, ensuring uninterrupted productivity.
  • Password-Protected Notes: OneNote offers the option to password-protect sensitive notes, providing an extra layer of security for confidential information.


  • Limited Customization: OneNote's customization options are relatively limited compared to Notion, making it less adaptable to individual preferences and workflows.
  • Integration: While OneNote integrates well with other Microsoft Office applications, its compatibility with third-party tools and services may be more limited.



  • Versatility: Notion's versatility allows users to create customized workspaces, databases, and templates to suit their specific needs and workflows.
  • Unlimited Cloud Storage: Notion offers unlimited cloud storage, enabling users to store large volumes of data, documents, and multimedia files without constraints.
  • Powerful AI Features: Notion leverages AI-driven capabilities to provide intelligent content suggestions, automated task management, and personalized recommendations.


  • Learning Curve: Notion's extensive feature set and customization options may result in a steeper learning curve for new users, requiring time and effort to fully master.
  • Subscription Cost: While Notion offers a free tier with basic features, access to advanced functionalities and unlimited storage requires a paid subscription, which may not be suitable for all users.


In the end, the choice between OneNote vs. Notion boils down to your specific needs, preferences, and workflow requirements. If you prioritize simplicity, flexibility, and offline accessibility, OneNote may be the ideal choice for you. On the other hand, if you seek versatility, customization, and advanced AI-driven features, Notion could be the perfect fit for your note-taking and productivity needs. By carefully evaluating the pros and cons of each platform, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your unique preferences and objectives.

OneNote vs. Notion FAQ

Which platform is better for basic note-taking?

For basic note-taking needs, both OneNote and Notion offer robust solutions. OneNote excels with its freeform note-taking style, resembling traditional paper notebooks, making it intuitive for beginners. Notion, on the other hand, provides customizable templates and structured layouts, ideal for users who prefer a more organized approach to note-taking.

Can I collaborate with others on both platforms?

Yes, both OneNote and Notion support collaboration features, allowing multiple users to work together on shared documents and projects in real-time. OneNote offers real-time co-authoring capabilities, while Notion provides collaborative workspaces and task management features to streamline teamwork.

Does Notion's unlimited cloud storage come with any limitations?

Notion's unlimited cloud storage offers users the freedom to store large volumes of data without constraints. However, it's essential to note that while Notion does not impose storage limits, the platform may have file upload size limits for individual files, which vary depending on the user's plan.

How do I choose between OneNote and Notion for my specific needs?

Choosing between OneNote and Notion depends on your preferences, workflow, and the features that are most important to you. If you value simplicity and offline accessibility, OneNote may be the better option. Conversely, if you prioritize versatility, customization, and advanced features, Notion could be the ideal choice.

Are there any additional costs associated with using Notion or OneNote?

OneNote is typically included as part of the Microsoft Office suite subscription, which may require a monthly or yearly fee. Notion offers a free tier with basic features, but access to advanced functionalities and unlimited storage may require a paid subscription. It's essential to review the pricing plans of each platform to determine the best option for your budget and requirements.

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